COM (Circular Organic Management)
Supporting the behavioural change in schools around food and organic waste taking into account its social, environmental and financial dimensions.
The continual creation of huge amounts of organic (especially food) waste contributing to climate change can be addressed through behaviour change by citizens (via education) at home, in school and in everyday life. The project is motivated not only by the data but by the understanding that the public can reduce this huge sector of environmental damage. This problem can be effectively addressed by empowering citizens with critical thinking education rather than investing a lot of capital in creating new technology or systems.
The project aims to achieve the creation and dissemination of a means for educators to engage young students, parents and the broader community in practical behavioural change about organic waste. This initial achievement will be reached through supporting educators with new methodologies and through the participation of pupils, parents and schools. The project aims to empower young people to change behaviours and become actors for change within their communities.
The partner consortium will be creating the results over 5 work packages:
- WP1 – Project management. The Management Handbook and the Quality Assurance & Evaluation Plan will be created to monitor the progress.
- WP2 – Research and Production of Educational Materials. This WP aims to supply educators with materials and methods for environmental education in classrooms and extracurricular activities across the EU.
- WP3 – COM Gamified Digital Environment. It involves the creation of online means for teachers, authorities, academics, young people and the public to access the materials and information about the project, as well as a means for communication. It is a vital tool for disseminating, supporting and peer-to-peer sharing ideas and feedback.
- WP4 – Educational Toolkit & Policy recommendation paper. This WP aims to create and maintain dynamic and responsive resources for educators, academics and citizen action groups through the platform. This will be done by the creation and availability of the ‘toolkit’ – a package of educational resources and materials for citizens to create civic action groups, organise community work around environmental issues, create campaigns and engage in advocacy with local authorities.
- WP5 – Dissemination. It will support the strategic, organized and successful dissemination of the COM’s results. A Dissemination plan will be drafted and used as the communication guideline. At the same time, the Sustainability & Exploitation Plan will serve as means to keep the project alive after its official end.
+ more on the project website: